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Index Profile: Tracing Complicated Relationships in Main Headings, in The Other Great Game

What can main headings be composed of?

Main headings, which kick off an entry or array, usually describe a single person or thing. It could be a name, or a government agency, or a physical object, or a concept. It is concrete and identifiable. Which is what we want in a main heading. Readers need to be able to clearly identify what it is they are searching for.

But sometimes the thing that we are trying to describe is complicated, and it is okay for the main heading to expand and help carry the weight of the text.

I ended up taking this approach for the index for The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Modern East Asia, by Sheila Miyoshi Jager (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2023). This is a delightful history, squarely within one of my favorite areas to index—East Asian studies—while also quite challenging in its scope and length, at about 570 indexable pages.

This book is about the colonial jockeying for power and control over Korea, with Korea ultimately becoming a protectorate of Japan. One of the challenging aspects was all of the intertwined relationships. Korea is a key player, of course. Japan is also involved, and wanting to be taken seriously as a great power. Russia also has its interests and influence. China is a waning influence, though still trying to exert itself. Though less involved, the other Western powers—US, Britain, Germany, France—all played a role as well.  Much of the book covers the diplomatic back-and-forth as all these powers try to figure out what to do with Korea (instead of respecting Korea’s independence). From an indexing standpoint, what is the best way to index all of these relationships?

Most of these relationships, say between Korea and Japan, or Japan and Russia, are too large to be contained within a subheading or two. These are relationships that span decades, and include wars, lengthy negotiations, and shifts in the balance of power. With so much material to cover, double-posting these relationships under each respective country would have led to enormous, unwieldy arrays.

The solution I landed on was to make the relationship itself the main heading. So, “Korean-Chinese relations,” “Korean-Japanese relations,” “Japanese-Russian relations,” etc… I still had arrays for each country, for subheadings specific to that country, but the bulk of the entries fell under these various arrays for these relationships. This meant that under Korea or Japan, for example, there are several arrays, which break down the discussions into manageable, yet still clearly defined, portions.

This also raised the question of which country to prioritize in the main heading. Should it be “Japanese-Russian relations” or “Russian-Japanese relations”? Because Korea and Japan were the two biggest actors, I decided to let them take the lead, so to speak,, with the Western countries generally being listed second.

These main headings also required a lot of cross-references from the other countries. As I mentioned, double-posting wasn’t a viable option due to the sheer number of entries. Better to pick a single array to place entries under, and then use cross-references to point readers in the right direction. For example, “Russian-Korean relations. See Korean-Russian relations.”

If you are interested in seeing all this in action, you can view the index here, on Amazon, using the Look Inside feature.

The number one goal for main headings is that they be clear. A confused reader is less likely to find what they are looking for. But while keeping clarity in mind, you can also play with main headings to better match the discussions in the book. Some subjects and relationships are more complicated, and a longer, multi-part main heading may be the clearest and best option.

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Is Over-Indexing Really a Time-Saving Strategy

I’ve been thinking about a piece of common sense advice that I was reminded of a few months ago. You may have heard it too. It goes like this: on your first pass through the book, pick up more than is necessary, because it is quicker to go back and trim than to go back and pick up a second time.

The assumption is that reading the text and picking up entries is time-consuming. Which is true. Carefully reading the book and selecting terms does take time. Also assumed is that you may not know, on the first pass, what is indexable and what can be left. Which is also true. By picking up an abundance of entries, all bases are covered. But is over-indexing and then trimming the extraneous entries really a faster approach?

To some extent, yes. I certainly pick up entries knowing that they may not make the final cut. But I still try to choose entries within certain parameters. This advice can get you into trouble when you have no filters (or very few filters) in place.

Consider this scenario, which I have seen and done myself earlier in my career: You get a book to index and the publisher informs you that the index can be no longer than 700 lines. Which sounds like a lot. Excited to start, and worried about missing relevant discussions, you jump into the project, typing up whatever entry seems like it might mean something to someone. Finishing the full draft, you realize that the index is pushing 1,000 lines. Or 1,500 lines. Or maybe even 2,000 lines. Now what?

Trimming an index that is a little longer than it should be usually isn’t a problem and is part of the indexing process. By definition, rough drafts need to be tidied. There are entries that aren’t as important as they originally appeared, or entries that can be combined into one, or subheadings that can be removed. But an index significantly longer than the target length requires more than a trim. It requires deep cuts. Chances are, whole categories of entries need to be removed and the index structure needs to be simplified. Not only has time been spent creating all of those entries, but time will now have to be spent figuring out how to get rid of all those entries. There is also the emotional pain of having to sweep away all that you created.

It is not efficient or effective.

What I try to do instead, before I start the rough draft, is to think about what needs to be in the index. I think about the subject matter and the arguments or stories that the book is telling. I think about who might be reading the book. I think about what kind of book it is, and how readers will use the index. If there is a length limit, I think about how much space there is relative to the number of pages and to how densely the book is written, and I then try to gauge how detailed the index can be. With all of that in mind, I can more easily identify and filter out passing mentions as I read the book. This approach is not perfect—I often still come across potential entries that I am uncertain about, and I may still go back and pick up entries that I have missed—but having a plan means that my rough drafts are closer to being completed. When editing, I can focus on polishing, rather than cutting and rebuilding.

This approach works both when there is a firm length limit, and when there is no limit to how long the index can be. Just because there is unlimited space does not mean that everything is now relevant to the reader. Think ahead about what the audience needs, and filter the text through that lens.

Besides planning ahead, what else can you do to avoid over-indexing getting out of control?

  • Partway through writing the rough draft, stop and assess the number of entries so far. Is the number proportional to how much space is available in the index and/or to how many pages indexed? Being a little over is okay; some trimming is normal. But if you are only halfway through the book and the rough draft is hitting the line limit, then you probably have an over-indexing problem. Stop, think again about what is important to include and what can be excluded, assess and do a preliminary cut of entries so far, and then finish the rest of the rough draft with some new filters in place.
  • Try running a quick search to see how often a term or name shows up, especially if you are unsure if it is worth including. If it is only mentioned once, then it may not be important. If mentioned multiple times, then probably worth including. But be careful: number of mentions should not be the only criteria for including in the index. The quality of the discussion is also important.
  • Try using some sort of label or symbol to mark entries that you are unsure about. In Cindex, I can label entries with different colors, and I use red to indicate entries that I may want to cut. These are entries that I am on the fence about—I’ll still pick up so I don’t have to go back later, but I also want to make them easy to identify and delete. Whatever you use to label, remember to remove so that it doesn’t make its way into the printed index.
  • Practice. Indexing is a skill that takes time to develop. It may take several indexes to figure out how to effectively plan ahead, and how to recognize and filter out passing mentions. And that’s okay. Keep working on it with each index, and you will gradually get the hang of it.

Writing an index is hard work. We can use all the hacks and shortcuts we can get. And that’s what common sense advice is—a way to make indexing easier and hopefully faster. The problem though, is that common sense advice usually doesn’t come with instructions for how best to implement that advice. Used the wrong way, and the advice may end up creating more work.

So yes, over-index, but within limits. Assume that the index will need to be trimmed and that some entries may not make the final draft, but still think carefully about what to include on the first pass. The cleaner the rough draft, the easier and quicker editing will be. Which is the most efficient way to index.

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Updating an Index: Worth It or Not Worth It?

I think every indexer will, at some point, experience a baptism by fire from updating a previously written index. It is tedious. It is time-consuming. It is mental gymnastics trying to get into the mind of the original indexer and trying to figure out what has changed. 

My first freelance project was like this. Thankfully the budget that the client offered was not a pittance, but it was still a hard grind. I should have suggested that the index be re-written from scratch.

Which is the usual advice, when it comes to updating an index. It may take as much time to write a new index as it would take to update, but it will feel a lot easier because it is yours and because you won’t be constantly second-guessing yourself, wondering if a correction was overlooked.

I have come to realize, though, that not all updates are equal. And while they are usually still tedious, in some cases I think updating is the best option. To help me decide whether or not to accept an updating project, I have developed a set of criteria, which I try to rigorously stick to.

  1. The first is, how extensive are the changes? Understanding this is key to estimating how much work will be involved. If chapters have been added, removed, or shuffled around, then definitely re-write the index from scratch. If it is just a handful or couple dozen changes throughout the text, then the main issue will probably be reflow. Which is not a lot of fun to fix, but it does have the virtue of being fairly straightforward and can usually be done within a day or two.
  2. If it turns out there are only a few changes, I then ask if the client is able to mark all of the changes on a PDF. This removes the guesswork for me. Part of what takes so much time, otherwise, is trying to figure out what has changed between the two versions of the book. If the client can show me what has changed, I save time, the client saves money, and the changes are usually pretty easy to make. If the client cannot tell me where the changes are, then I will pass on the project.
  3. I also consider whether or not I have written the original index. It is a lot easier to update if I have, because I understand how the index is written and I may even have some memory of writing it. Deconstructing someone else’s index can be an interesting learning exercise, but trying to update or fix someone else’s index is a lot more stress and mental work. In a way, I prefer it when clients ask me to update rather than finding someone else because even though I don’t really want to do it, I know I can probably do a faster and better job because I am already familiar with the index.
  4. My relationship with the client is also important. This does not have anything to do with the index itself, so perhaps should not be considered, but I think it is important to consider a project in light of the larger relationship. I am more likely to say yes to a long-term client. And, last year, I did update an index for a regular client that I did not originally write but still met my other criteria. Even though I was paid, I also saw it as a favour and good customer service. If I did not write the original index and I don’t know the client, I will probably say no. 
  5. Lastly, I estimate how much time it will take. For it to be worth it, it needs to take me less time then writing from scratch. This usually means that I want to finish within a day or two. Since I also charge per hour for updates, completing the index within two days should also save the client money, as a brand new index would typically cost more. 

Thankfully, I don’t get asked too often to update indexes. I definitely prefer writing fresh. But when I am asked, it helps to have a plan for how to judge and complete the work. The pain and frustration does not need to be all-encompassing. 

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Writing Index Entries with Appropriate Specificity

Specificity is one of the elements we need to strive for in an index. We are, after all, as indexers, in the business of directing people to information, and to do so accurately and efficiently entries needs to be specific enough for the reader to quickly grasp. But this can still raise the question of, how much specificity is necessary?

We can think of information as being on a spectrum from most general to most specific. The trick for indexing is to know which points on the spectrum should make it into the index. Put another way, we can ask, should the object be named or described? When discussing cars, for example, is a more general entry for automobile industry more appropriate, or should there be entries for specific brands or models? In a way, both options are specific in their own ways, and there are a few factors to consider when writing entries.

The simplest answer is to include all options in the index, both general and specific. This provides multiple entry points, which is good indexing practice. This should allow most, if not all, users to find what they want, regardless of the search terms they use. This can also be a good exercise for thinking of synonyms to include as cross-references. But a particular audience may not need or want all options, nor may there be enough space. So there are some other considerations.

Audience, as mentioned, is of course another factor to consider. If the book is written for a niche audience, then that audience will probably know the jargon and other specific terms, which suggests that more general terms can be left out. Similarly, a book used for reference would probably benefit from a detailed, specific index, because readers will already know what they want before they read the book. Conversely, a trade book may require both specific and descriptive entries, as there may be readers not familiar with the specific names of things. 

Context is also important, both in the text and in the index. Is the point being made about the automobile industry in general, with selected companies for examples, or is the focus on the specific companies? We can also consider how much space is given to the discussion in the text, with a larger discussion perhaps meriting more entry points. 

In the index itself, we can also play around with a range of specificity among different headings and subheadings. One strategy I use is to have a more general subheading to capture a range of related material while also providing specific main entries. I think this can be a good middle ground as it provides multiple entry points while keeping the index a reasonable length through a few descriptive, general entries. For example, entries on presidential views on foreign affairs could read:

  • Bush, George W.: on foreign affairs
  • Clinton, Bill: on foreign affairs
  • foreign affairs: presidents on

The space for the index can also, of course, be a consideration. Being very specific can lead to a longer index, so in some cases a more general entry with a broader reach may be preferable. This approach may not be ideal, as it loses alternative entry points, but if space is an issue I prefer to cast a wider net than focus on a subset of content and ignore the rest. 

As a general rule, aim to be specific. Readers should not be left guessing. That said, specificity exists on a spectrum, and where you land depends on the audience, the text, and how much space you have for the index. Find where these factors intersect and you will find your sweet spot. 

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Indexing within a Space Constraint

A few months ago I wrote about using triage to shorten an index to fit a tight space limitation. Today, I want to approach the same problem from the other side, which is to proactively index in such a way that triage and cutting are not needed. Because while cutting the index can be done efficiently and effectively, avoiding cuts altogether will still likely be the quickest and most stress free approach.

I have to admit that I have found this one of the harder skills to learn. I do not enjoy indexing to a space constraint, and having to consciously adjust how I index does require forethought and effort. But I have found that making that effort can make the editing process far less frustrating, which for me is worth it. 

Be Clear about the Limit

The first step is to have a clear understanding of how much space is reserved for the index. If the client does not specify, ask. The blank pages at the end of the proofs are not always indicative. It can also be helpful to learn how to quickly gauge how much space you think the index will require. This can tell you if the space provided seems reasonable, as well as how much shorter you might need to make the index. 

If you think more space is needed, this is also the time to ask if more is possible. I don’t always get more space, but I find it doesn’t hurt to ask. I sometimes get the impression that the page limit I am given is a standard number the production editor has in mind rather than a reflection of that particular book. 

Make a Plan

The next step is to make a rough plan for how the index will be written. 

I suggest reviewing the book to get an overview of the topic, the types of indexable material, and the density of the text. I know some indexers like to index without first reading the text, which I sometimes do as well. Working within a space constraint, though, usually means that not everything in the text will fit into the index, so to save time later in the process, I think it does help to prioritize upfront what to include and what to exclude.

This is also the time to consider how specific or granular the entries will be, as more general headings and subheadings will likely use less space. For example, is it enough to have an entry for dogs or should each species get their own entry? Will a subheading of “votes by” be sufficient for a member of congress, or should the subject of each vote be identified?

Whatever plan you devise can always to adjusted once you start indexing. You may even have to do some triage at the end after all, if the index is still too long. The point, though, is that creating some guidelines should help you make better indexing decisions.

Index with the Constraints in Mind

The last step is to simply index with the constraints in mind. Take that plan and put it into action. Pay attention as you read the text and ask yourself, 1) Does this actually need to be indexed, and 2) is there a more concise way to index this? I often use labels to mark entries that I might want to delete later or which I think can be combined. Avoid creating entries for material that you have already decided will not be included. The more you can get right on the first pass, the easier the editing will be later.

You may have noticed by now that some of this process overlaps with triage. There is a lot of similarities in regards to prioritization, granularity, and using labels. I think the main difference is when you take these steps, with triage being reactive and making a plan for the constraints being proactive. Both approaches work and can be used together, though if you know that the limit exists, try to be proactive. It will lead to a more enjoyable indexing experience.

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Advice to Myself as a New Indexer

I was recently prompted to think about what advice I would give myself as a new indexer.

My indexing origin story is that I was largely self-taught. How I index has definitely changed over the years, both through trial and error and through learning from other indexers at conferences, the email lists, and books. Looking back, there are some lessons I wish I knew from the start, which would have saved me a lot of frustration.

Vet the Book Before Starting the Index

Indexing blind is difficult. When I first started to index, I would work a chapter at a time, reading the text, marking it up, and then creating the entries. That helped somewhat. Now, I am familiar enough with indexes and with how books are written that I can start creating entries from page one and work forward. But I am really liking this new concept I learned at the ISC/SCI conference this summer, in Ottawa, of vetting the text. I find it helpful now, and I think it would have made an even bigger difference as a new indexer.

I would give myself permission to preview the book first before creating a single entry. I would read the introduction, skim the chapters, and write a rough list of main headings that I am pretty sure will be in the index. That list will probably change somewhat as I read more closely, but the point is to index from a place of knowledge rather than a place of ignorance. Knowing from the start what the book is about makes it far more likely that the first draft of the index will be on target. 

Put More Thought Into the Audience

The audience for the index is obviously importance. That is something I knew from the start. What I would do differently is to take the time to actually write out what the audience or audiences need from the index, and to also draft different headings or wordings for the different audiences. These headings may or may not make it into the actual index; the point is to think more concretely about the audience and to practice writing for different audiences, so that when I am actually indexing I can more easily tailor the index as needed.

Learn to Work Within Space Constraints

One of my biggest pain points, for several years, was clashing with space constraints. I did not know how to index at different densities, and cutting an index was a painful, laborious process that left me feeling bitter and angry. Thankfully, while I still do not enjoy cutting indexes or working under a tight space constraint, I am becoming better at it and it is no longer so painful. 

What I wish I knew from the start is precisely this—how to write an index within a space constraint. I wish I knew how to triage an index, and I wish I knew how to index at different densities. For practice, it would have been a good idea to index the same document two or three times, aiming for a different level of detail with each pass, so I could get a feel for what what a light index is compared to a dense index.

Edit the Index on the Go

The last tip I would give myself to save some angst is to clean up the index after each chapter. The final edit can be quite overwhelming, and any editing along the way would have made the final edit that much easier. This would also allow me to review and familiarize myself with the work done so far, which I think would have given me greater confidence moving forward, as well as making sure that I did not veer off on a wildly different path. When learning to index, there is so much to keep track of that I think periodically stopping to review and regroup would make a big difference.

If you have been indexing for a while, what advice would you give yourself? If you are new to indexing, what kind of advice would you want to receive?

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Dealing with Authors and Their Lists of Terms

I recently received the longest list of terms from an author that I have ever received. The list was so long that I immediately contacted the publisher and explained that even with the extra space I had already asked for and received for the index, there was no way that I could include everything that the author suggested. Thankfully the publisher agreed with me and the author later accepted my index, but the list that I was presented with still required a response.

Setting Expectations

The first step, for me, after thanking the author for the list, is to set the expectation upfront that my work will not be bound by that list. I will read the list and use it for reference, but I will not duplicate the list and I will use, or not use, the suggested terms at my discretion. While I welcome the author as the subject expert, I want to emphasize that I am the index expert.

Finding Value in the Lists

The amount of value depends from list to list. I sometimes get the sense that the author believes that I will simply fill in the page numbers for them, using keyword search, which is a common misconception of how indexes are written. That said, I find that these lists can often tell me what the author thinks is important, which I will try to fit into the index. These lists can also highlight aspects of the book that I might not recognize as important—since I am not always the subject expert. So while I rarely follow the lists term by term, they can influence how I work. 

Responding to the Author

If the author has taken the time to put together a list, I assume they have expectations for how the index will look. Since I do not promise to faithfully follow their list, I will often submit a note with the index explaining how I used their list and how I wrote the index, with the goal of forestalling objections. This could include explaining why some terms were perhaps unsuitable or how I used some terms as subheadings instead of main headings, for example. For the index I mention above, I explained that the list was too long and detailed for the space available, and then explained what I did do instead to make the book’s content searchable. Since the author did not request any changes, I assume my explanation was accepted.

What is Actually Helpful

If I am being honest, I don’t really want these lists from authors. It does take time to respond to, and I assume that it also takes up the author’s time, especially for the lists that are long and detailed. It seems like a lot of work for something of limited value. But what can be actually helpful is a short list focused on the top ten or twenty terms that the author thinks is important. The author could even write a short paragraph, in a couple of sentences, explaining what the book is about. Help me see the book from the author’s perspective. That will help me understand the core focus of the index, and then I can figure out the rest.

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How to Set Prices that Sell and Earn Profit

When I first began to freelance, I did not know how to set a price for my work. Instead of being proactive, I accepted what my first few clients offered me, as what they offered seemed fair, I had no prices for comparison, and I was simply thrilled to receive a paycheque. Over time, I realized that different clients were willing to pay different amounts and that other indexers charged differently—some more, some less—than I did. Clearly other people had their own opinions for what was possible and appropriate.

More recently, I have noticed pricing come up a number of times on some of the indexing email lists. One common theme is uncertainty over what prices to set—a position that all freelancers have probably been in at some point. Among more experienced indexers, there seems to be some anxiety about prices falling, as book production by some publishers is outsourced to third-party companies, often overseas. There is also a sense that we, as freelancers, have little control over prices, as in if we do not accept the prices offered, the client will walk. 

I disagree with this sense that we as freelancers lack agency and control over pricing. I agree that we cannot compel clients to pay a certain amount and that clients do have the right to walk, if they wish. However, to say that we have little control is to cede too much control to customers. I believe that we do have a measure of control and agency, and that this issue of price has two dimensions. The first is the actual prices that we set for our services and products. The second is the customers that we engage with, the ones who are paying us for our work. 

Know Your Customers

To address the second dimension first, obviously it is a problem if our customers are not paying the price that we want or need in order to make a living. What seems to be forgotten or not mentioned is that clients vary greatly from one to another, including what they are willing and able to pay. What a small trade press is willing to pay for an index may well be different from what a large trade press is willing to pay, which may be different from a university press, which may be different from a book packager, which may be different from an author paying out of pocket, which may be different from an author paying with a university grant, which may be different from a client in New York, which may be different from a client in rural Arkansas, which may be different from a client in Tokyo, which may be different from a client who is a single parent, which may be different from a client who is a pensioner, which may be different from a client who is the CEO of a business. 

So one consideration, if current clients are not meeting your financial needs, is to change clients. This can be difficult, but I believe that it is possible. Indeed, I believe that one of the advantage we have as small businesses is the ability to pick and choose who we work with, as we simply do not have the time and resources to work with everyone. If you find that prices are low in one segment of the publishing market, then find other segments that pay better. The publishing industry is not static or uniform, nor do you have to serve all segments.

Value-based Pricing

The other part of pricing, as mentioned, is the prices themselves. I do not have a background in business or pricing either, so I decided to do some reading and have so far found and read the book The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow, by Rafi Mohammed (HarperCollins, 2010). I don’t claim to be an expert, but I did learn a few things which I think are applicable to our work as freelancers. 

First, let’s look at a traditional approach to pricing, which is what I recall being told when I asked around for advice when I first started freelancing. This approach is to figure out living and business expenses, and then charge enough to cover expenses plus a little extra. As Mohammed writes, a lot of large companies approach pricing this way too. The downside is that this approach can miss out on a lot of potential profit. For example, I may need to charge $40 per hour to cover expenses, but what if my client is actually willing to pay $60 per hour? This approach also implies that competitive advantage is primarily a matter of who has the lowest price, which means that whoever has the lowest cost of living or business—who can therefore afford to charge the least—wins. But again, this can lead to the person with the lowest price missing out on profits as not all clients are motivated by the lowest price. What this approach fails to consider is what it is the customer actually values.

Mohammed calls this focus on the customer value-based pricing. While earning enough to cover expenses is certainly important, I suspect that most clients don’t actually care all that much about our expenses. So in value-based pricing, the goal is to understand what the customer finds important in our service or product, and then to position our service or product to meet those values, with a price to match. The question about price switches from, how much do I need to make, to, how much is the customer willing to pay?

In addition to value-based pricing, Mohammed also discusses fifty different pricing strategies. I was also surprised at the variety. They are not all applicable for every business, and Mohammed’s suggestion is to find the handful or more that work for you. These strategies are divided into three broad categories—pick-a-plan, versioning, and differential pricing. These all have different goals, ranging from attracting new customers to setting premium prices, but collectively their purpose is to appeal to a wide variety of customers, who will each value your service or product in different ways. The idea is that by employing multiple strategies, you will appeal to different segments of the market, both higher and lower, resulting in a broader client base and likely more profit. 

As I was reading, some of the strategies stood out to me as possibly applicable for indexing. Some of them, I realized, I already use, though probably not as well or intentionally as I could be. (You may recognize some of them too.) So below are some ideas and comments on a few of the different methods. I make no guarantees as to their effectiveness, nor have I personally tried them all. This is just me brainstorming in public. Feel free to try some of these yourself and let me know how it goes. 

  • Bundle indexing with other services, if you offer them. I sometimes do this with proofreading. It saves the client from having to find and coordinate with another freelancer, I get more income from the project, and the indexing is usually a bit easier because I have already read the book while proofreading. Because of the time saved, I may even give a small discount.
  • Offer a flat fee. I remember Enid Zafran talking about this at the ISC/SCI conference this summer. A flat fee offers peace of mind to the client because it removes the uncertainty and trouble of having to calculate page rates or waiting for the proofs to be ready. Instead, do that work for the client and give them a single number.
  • Offer to negotiate with the client to find a price that is mutually acceptable. I sometimes do this as well, and I really appreciate it when clients are willing to tell me what their budget is or if my initial quote is too high because that allows me to reconsider my offer. Maybe the project is still worth my while if I charge $100 less, for example.
  • Offer different versions at different price points. I think the trick with this is being able to clearly articulate, and then deliver on, what the different versions of the index will look like, and how each version still contains value. A price-conscious client will be still be happy with the cheaper and lower quality index, while the client who values quality or who has deeper pockets may be willing to pay the premium price. 
  • Offer priority indexing for a higher fee, or, conversely, a discount for being willing to wait. I think that rush fees are similar to this, which some indexers already charge. But not all clients are in a hurry, so some might be attracted by a discount where you fit their index in around other, more urgent, projects.
  • Offer a financing plan, perhaps by splitting payment into two or more chunks. This might work for the client who wants the index but who does not have enough cash on hand. 
  • Offer differential pricing based on client type or characteristics. This could work for either corporations or individual authors. Maybe clients who live in a big, expensive city, will be willing to pay more, while a senior citizen may appreciate a discount to afford an index on their pension. The variations can be endless, but if you can gain some insight into your potential client by looking for identifiable characteristics, you might be able to gauge how much they will be willing to pay.
  • Offer periodic discounts or promotions, which could include the client paying an amount upfront to lock in the price for a future project. This may work best if you have a large enough client base to do a mass email or marketing blitz. 
  • Guarantee prices for a fixed period of time. This could work with regular clients, and would eliminate the need to negotiate each time a project comes along, saving you both time. 
  • Incorporate a success fee. This would involve charging an initial base price plus a bonus if the index meets a set standard. The hard part would be establishing the standard and evaluation method, but this might work for clients who are unsure if they want to take a risk on you. 

By this point you may be thinking, “Those are interesting (or terrible) ideas, but I just don’t need that many pricing strategies. How am I supposed to keep track of them all?” I agree that what I have listed here is probably more than is necessary for a single business. I do not plan on using all of them either. The point, though, is that we can be creative with how we price, and that different clients will respond to different strategies. A one-size-fits-all pricing strategy is a strategy for missed opportunities.

Setting Your Prices

To bring all of these ideas together, I want to suggest five steps for setting prices, which is a process I will be doing myself. 

  1. Write a value statement. This is an exercise that Mohammed suggests in which you describe, in concrete detail, the value that your service or product provides. It is easy for conversations about price to be awkward, and I know I can feel embarrassed about making a profit, even though I obviously need an income to live on. But Mohammed suggests that a lot of this awkwardness can disappear if we can understand and articulate the value that we are offering. This knowledge can also make us more effective negotiators and defenders of our prices, because we understand the basis on which they are set. 
  2. Analyze your clients. What do they value? Why are they coming to you, or more importantly, coming back to you? Why are they turning you down for alternatives? What are their next-best alternatives, and what value do you offer in comparison? You can also analyze potential clients that you might want to attract or reach out to. 
  3. Analyze your prices. Based on what you know of your clients and of the value you provide, are your prices accurate? Should prices be higher? Lower? It is important to note that lower prices are not necessarily bad, as they can attract a different segment of the market, which could fill in gaps between higher priced projects or broaden your client base. You just need to make sure that those lower priced projects are still profitable and are not preventing you from accepting higher priced projects.
  4. Develop a pricing strategy. As discussed, pricing can be as dynamic and varied as clients. Think through the clients you have or want, think about what pricing strategies may be attractive for them, select a handful, and see what works. 
  5. Periodically review your prices and methods. Clients, the publishing industry, and the economy all change over time. To keep pace and stay profitable, you may at times need to change your prices and your clients. This is true for all businesses. So be willing to assess and reflect, and make changes as needed.

When it comes to price and who you work with, you do have a measure of control. It may take some work finding the right clients and determining the right prices, but it is possible to be a profitable indexer and freelancer.

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Translating the Text for the Index

Words matter in the index.

This may be stating the obvious, but I think it is worth repeating. The terms and phrasing used need to be readily understood by the user of the index. 

The text, of course, is the first place to look for terminology that can be transposed into the index. But as indexers, we also need to be careful about what we use from the text and how. Not all books contain a wealth of terminology that is suitable. 

I often see two main scenarios when alternative terms should be used.

The first is when the author’s terminology should and can be used, and it is also mostly jargon. If we can assume that the audience of the book will also understand that jargon, then there is no problem. But sometimes the audience will include non-specialists as well, and for that audience I think it can be helpful to include other terms, probably as cross-references, for these other readers. I also try to write the subheading using plain language, so that the concept or reference is understandable without having first read the book.

The second scenario is to put in the jargon that the author either does not use or buries. I like to call this translating the text. It is when the author, for the sake of being creative or engaging the reader, uses descriptive language that is enjoyable to read and conveys the concept, but the actual term or phrase that captures the aboutness is either missing or not obvious. This can happen throughout the text, from the title to chapter titles to headings, as well as how sections and paragraphs are written. To give a simple example, I once indexed a book titled Igniting the Internet, which to me sounds like it could be about viral social media posts or celebrities online. Instead, as the subtitle tells us, it was about Youth and Activism in Postauthoritarian South Korea. There are times that indexing requires us to read further or read between the lines to understand what the text is about.

There is the concern of taking this translation too far and of introducing too much new terminology. We do not want an index that is divorced from the text. This is where cross-references play a role, to link and point towards preferred terms. We also need to make sure that any terminology we introduce will make sense to the audience, rather than introducing terms that make sense to us. For one book I googled sales terminology for a sales book that employed a highly descriptive writing style. It was not terminology I would ordinarily use, but the terminology fit the book.

So when indexing, pay attention to the language used. Match the book if possible, and do not be afraid to do some translating if need be. The reader will only be able to find information if they can first understand the index.

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Editing the Index on the Go Redux

Last week I tried to puzzle my way through the concept of editing the index while the entries are being created, as opposed to saving most of the editing for the end of the indexing process. As I wrote, some indexers say that they save a lot of time by working like this, which I accept in principle while finding that it can be difficult to implement. 

Coincidentally (I promise I hadn’t recently checked the conference line-up), the first speaker at the Indexing Society of Canada’s conference in Ottawa last week was Anne Fifer, with a presentation titled “Edit Your Index Without Pain.” I did find Anne’s talk helpful for clearing up some of my questions and misconceptions, so I am going to revisit the topic with some of Anne’s insights. I thought you might find it helpful too.

First, to set expectations, editing is still required at the end of the indexing process. It is not possible to eliminate editing entirely, but the amount can be reduced. Anne said that often she just needs a day for the final edit. 

Anne’s approach seems to be two-fold. The first part is to use the full capabilities of her indexing software to streamline indexing. Specifically, extensively using labels to highlight entries that need different sorts of editing or extra attention, so that these are easy to find later on. Anne also discussed custom dictionaries for accurate spell check, which I can see to be helpful if one is working on a lot of medical indexes like Anne does, but I don’t really see the benefit for books that lack such specialized terminology. I don’t see myself making custom dictionaries for the books I typically index.

The second part to Anne’s approach is to lay the necessary groundwork for the index at the start. Part of this is making sure that all necessary resources are in easy reach, which is a good reminder that the details of our work environment can make a difference. The largest component is to establish the index structure from the start, which Fred Leise discussed in more detail in his talk (Fred also has an article in The Indexer 34(4)and has presented a webinar with ASI on his approach to structure, if you want to learn more). The benefit of this is that once established, the structure does not need much editing later on, if at all. It also provides the framework to slot entries within as one works through the text. Thinking through the structure upfront was my biggest takeaway from the conference, and something I will be adding to my indexing practice going forward.

Anne also discussed editing in small increments. Part of this is doing a small edit at the end of each day for a specific list of common issues that she looks for. Part of this is also isolating and editing in batches the previously labeled entries. This means that a lot of spelling, formatting, or other common issues are already dealt with by the time Anne reaches the final edit. As I wrote last week, I find it difficult to focus on editing at the end of the day, but I like the idea of being self-aware of issues I commonly need to fix and of proactively fixing them in batches. This could also be done at the start of the day, for example, if I don’t want to do it at the end.

All told, I think Anne has some practical tips to make editing easier. I hoped you learned something too, and are able to become more efficient in your indexing.