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When to Walk Away

A month ago I wrote about my ideal working relationship with publishers, as a valued member of the team. But not every publisher or client is going to be ideal, and sometimes you need to know when to walk away.

Walking away from a project or client is scary. Especially early in my career, I was loath to pass up an opportunity. I needed the paycheck and would say yes to books that I either had no interest in subject-wise, or were beyond my skill level in either subject matter expertise or indexing know-how. Which isn’t always bad. Sometimes being pushed out of my comfort zone shows me where I need to improve or shows me that I am capable of more than I realize. Though sometimes it means that I need to set better boundaries.

Sometimes you need to walk away from a project because of the client, not the actual work. Or at least be willing to walk away.

I faced this situation with two different clients last year, both academic authors. The experiences caused me to reflect on what it is I need from clients in order to make this working relationship worthwhile. Are all of the terms dictated by the client, or do I have some agency too? Though to be fair to both authors, I found them both (or in the one case, the author’s assistant) pleasant and easy to work with. The problem actually lay with their respective universities.

Often when I am hired by an academic author, payment for the index comes from their university, in the form of funding that the author can tap into. This usually means that I need to register with the university as a vendor, which almost always means paperwork. In these two cases, both universities had requirements that I was unable to fulfill. In one case, the university wanted a tax number that I did not have (as a Canadian citizen and resident, with the university in another country, it was a foreign tax number I ordinarily do not need). In the other case, for a university in yet another country, their requirements seemed more suited to a larger company than my one-person freelance outfit. After initial inquiries, neither university seemed to want to budge.

What do I do? Do I invest time and money trying to meet their requirements, which could potentially take months trying to acquire that which I do not have? Or do I walk away? I don’t really want to walk away, because the issue isn’t with the book or with the author. But if being paid is going to be a drain on my time and resources, the project is no longer so appealing. How much red tape is $1000, or even $2000, worth?

In both cases I decided to be honest with the authors. It also helped that they had started the vendor registration process early, before the proofs were ready for indexing, so there was still time to find another indexer if necessary. I explained why I was unable to meet all of the vendor registration requirements. I asked if the university would be willing to waive the problematic requirements. I politely stated that if the requirements were not waived, then I would regretfully need to withdraw from the project and they would need to find another indexer who would be a better fit.

I felt anxious threatening to pull out of a project I had previously agreed to do. I didn’t know how the author or the university would react. I also felt okay at the prospect of losing the client and project. There was still time for another project to come along to fill that time slot in my schedule and it felt good to protect and value my own time and business.

Thankfully, both universities decided, after all, that they could waive the troublesome requirements. I don’t fully know what happened on their end, but the authors decided to advocate to keep me as their indexer and the university administrators found a way to make it happen. A happy outcome for everyone, at least from my perspective.

These experiences taught me a few lessons:

  • Know my boundaries. As an indexer, I am here to serve my clients, which involves dealing with payment and paperwork. Some paperwork is reasonable. But I also want to enjoy my work, and I only have a finite amount of time. To keep my business sustainable and enjoyable, I need to know and enforce my boundaries, which may mean saying no or goodbye to certain books or clients. I know I can’t serve everyone, so I may as well focus on the books and clients that are the best fit.
  • Always ask. Administrative requirements may not be set in stone. While the answer may not always be what I want to hear, it is worth asking if changes can be made (and letting the client know what I am willing and not willing to do) before making a final decision about a client or project.  
  • Learn to say no. I wish I was better at saying no, and that I was better at it earlier in my career. Turning down projects is tough, especially when offers are scarce. But if you are a newer freelancer, practice saying no, and maybe actually say it sometimes. This circles back to boundaries. Know what kind of work is too far out of your comfort zone. Know what level of red tape you are willing to deal with. It may be difficult in the moment to turn down a project or client, but your future self will thank you. 

Have you ever walked away from a project? What was that experience like? What did you do to make the situation better? Please feel free to reply below in the comments. I am curious to hear your experience.

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Indexing Local History: Stories I’ve Been Told Series

Front cover for the book Stories I've Been Told, Vol. 3, by Elaine Thomas.Local history can be both a joy and a challenge to index. It can be deeply personal, both for those telling and writing the stories, and for those reading, as it reaffirms our bonds with each other and with the places we belong. The index is often the first point of contact with the text, as readers search for the people, places, and memories that they hold dear—or even search for themselves.

Over the last few years, I’ve had the honour and pleasure of working with Elaine Thomas, an author and storyteller. Elaine is an Albertan transplanted to Fayette County, Texas. She regularly writes for a local newspaper, The Fayette County Record, including, for several years, a column profiling a wide array of locals, especially senior citizens who reminisce about their lives. Elaine is now collecting and self-publishing these columns in the Stories I’ve Been Told series. I have indexed all three volumes published so far, as well as three other books of local and family history that Elaine has written. Today, I want to discuss how I approach indexing the Stories I’ve Been Told series, drawing examples from the third volume that was launched last November.

I love Elaine’s work for a couple of reasons.

Elaine has a knack for finding and telling incredible stories of everyday life. These are ordinary, everyday people, and yet dig beneath the surface, as Elaine does, and extraordinary accomplishments and joy shine forth. It is an excellent reminder of the wealth of knowledge and experience that surrounds all of us, if we only pay attention and listen. Elaine’s books epitomize the value and importance of preserving our local history. 

I also love reading these profiles of people in Fayette County, Texas, because it is a completely different world than what I am familiar with. Add in the fact that many of the people profiled are reminiscing about life during the Depression, World War II, and postwar, and it is a whole other world yet again. Rural farm life among Czech and German immigrants is about as far away as you can get from the concrete Taiwanese city of a million people that I grew up in, except, maybe, for the shared summer heat. I get to explore a different perspective and way of life as I index these books, a way of life that is slowly becoming more familiar with each book.

From an indexing standpoint, there are a couple of challenges which I find are common to indexing local history. The first is, what in indexable?


Local history books often contain a lot of detail. Because there is so much that could potentially be picked up, it is a good idea to decide ahead of time, as much as possible, what is indexable and what can be left aside. I find my approach often evolves as I work and better understand the text. The plan does not need to be rigid. But starting with a plan does help to avoid being overwhelmed by the sheer number of potential entries, and to avoid adding, and then later deleting, irrelevant entries.

For the Stories I’ve Been Told series, I make a distinction between Fayette County and the rest of the country and world. The people profiled are all from and live within Fayette County. I assume that readers of the book also have a connection to the area. So information about Fayette County forms the bulk of what I pick up. I index somewhat less detail about the rest of Texas, with most such entries being about neighbouring counties and cities that readers are likely to be familiar with, and where the people profiled may have studied and worked. I index the least amount of detail about the rest of the country and world. If someone spent part of their career in Virginia, for example, I will likely include that as a subheading, but I probably will not create main headings for places and businesses within Virginia, as I don’t think that readers will be searching for Virginia-related details.

I index all of the local people. This can lead to long lists of family members, if a person profiled mentions all of their grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, children, and other relatives. But since this is intended for a local readership who may be searching for their families and friends, I think it is important to pick up all of the names, even minor mentions. This can also mean double-checking surnames with Elaine, to make sure I am properly identifying people.

I also pick up places. This includes all of the cities and towns within Fayette County. I also pick up churches, schools, local businesses, significant geographic features, and any other place that seems important. These are often minor mentions, but again, this is a book for local readers. There are memories attached to these places, and local histories can be an aid for people to access their own memories.

I also pick up details for various activities. These can be memories about Christmas or attending dances, childhood memories of working on the farm, or about people’s careers, such as delivering mail or running a flooring business. I also create arrays for local events, like the Fayette County Fair.

Several of the people profiled are veterans who reminisce about their wartime experiences. I’ve learned that honouring vets is important, in a way that seems more strongly emphasized than in Canada. I include several arrays for the different branches of military; the military bases where these veterans served, especially those nearby within Texas; and the wars, which is mostly WWII, along with a few mentions for the Korean and Vietnam wars. 

Basically, if someone or something happened or existed within Fayette County, I index it. Elaine and I want local readers to be able to find their family and friends, and places and events, that are significant to them.


With so many details, structuring the index is also important, to ensure that the index is easy to search.

I build the index structure around the book’s structure. Stories I’ve Been Told, Vol. 3 contains 30 profiles, with each profile about 8 pages, give or take. This includes 1-3 pages of photographs. Because it is these people who form the core of the book, I use subheadings for each person, focusing on what that person chooses to discuss. I also include a range, at the top of the array, for the whole profile. Photographs are indicated in italics. 

Kea, Arleas Upton, 1–9

career with FDIC, 1, 7

childhood, 2–3

education and desegregation, 3–4, 9

family, 3, 7, 8, 9

photographs, 7–9

prayer and worship, 3

reflections on life and success, 6

at University of Texas, 5–6

I also do a lot of double-posting. All of the churches, for example, are both indexed as standalone entries and are gathered together in a single array. Gathering together does mean that the index will be longer, but I think it is helpful to provide a place for readers to scan if they can’t remember the name of a specific church or if they want to see which churches are mentioned. It is also generally a good practice to provide multiple access points, if there is space, to accommodate how different readers choose to search. If the community that the church is in is not obvious from the church’s name, I also include that detail in parentheses. (I also include the community in parentheses for main headings if the community is not obvious from the name of the church, school, or business.)


Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Round Top), 189

Big Spring Hill Baptist Church, 79

Elm Creek Baptist Church (Seguin), 179

Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Warda), 143, 147, 149

Prairie Valley Lutheran Church, 181

prayer and worship, 3

Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church (Hostyn), 89, 92, 217

Sacred Heart Catholic Church (La Grange), 36, 91

St. James Missionary Baptist Church (Plum), 79

St. James Missionary Baptist Church (Schulenburg), 3

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Ammannsville), 83

St. Mary Catholic Church (High Hill), 40

St. Mary’s Catholic Church (Ellinger), 125

St. Paul Lutheran Church (La Grange), 27, 220

St. Paul Lutheran Church (Serbin), 97–98, 99

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church (Schulenburg), 54, 56–57, 101

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church (Plum), 32

Swiss Alp Lutheran Church, 112

Trinity Lutheran Church (Black Jack Springs), 12, 154

I also double-post for significant events and memories that have enough entries to warrant subheadings, such as Christmas:


Alvin J. Anders’ memories, 101–2

Christmas trees, 54, 57, 138, 143, 153

Frances Pietsch Schumann’s memories, 143–44

gifts for WWII soldiers, 51

Gracie Loessin Taylor’s memories, 153

Kahlich family traditions, 54–57

mail delivery and, 134

Santa Claus, 54–55

St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas Day), 53–54, 58

For military arrays, such as the wars and branches of the military, I suspect that some readers would like to see who else served, and so I double-post names in these arrays as well, in addition to double-posting military bases. For example,

U.S. Air Force

Bien Hoa Air Force Base (Vietnam), 225, 227–28

Eugene J. “Gene” Wessels, 177, 178–79, 183

Fort Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, 178

Harry Richard “Dick” Peck, 223–28, 231, 232

Lackland Air Force Base, 61

Laredo Air Force Base, 223–24

For Stories I’ve Been Told, Vol. 3, thanks to a suggestion from Elaine, I’ve also included cross-references from the various towns to the people profiled who are from those towns, so that readers can more easily see the connections between people and places. I should have thought of this for the earlier volumes, and I’m glad Elaine noticed this possibility. For example,

Rutersville (TX), 69, 89–90. See also Dixon, Richard; Fietsam, Lydia Eberenz

Working with the Author

Especially if you are not familiar with the area or history, take advantage of the author’s knowledge. When I first started indexing this series, Elaine’s insights were invaluable as I made my plan for how to index, as well as helpful feedback on the draft index. This can be a fruitful collaboration to serve the readers.

Indexing local history can often be more work than it initially appears. All of those details and entries can add up, and then you need to decide how best to organize. Indexing local history can also be satisfying, helping readers remain engaged with their history and community, as well as the reminder that each of us live extraordinary lives, if only we can see ourselves, and each other, from the right angle. 

If you would like to see the full index for Stories I’ve Been Told, Vol. 3, you can find it on Amazon, using the “Read Sample” feature. The indexes for the first two volumes are also available for viewing.If you would like to buy a copy, proceeds are being donated to assist struggling students at Blinn College, Schulenburg campus. Elaine also writes a lovely blog, Stories From the Slow Lane, where you can enjoy more stories about the past.

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2023: Year in Review

Happy New Year!

I hope your year is off to a fabulous start, whether you are hitting the ground running or easing into the new year. I recently heard the term “gentle January,” which sounds about right to me. Do I have goals for this year? Yes. Do I need to accomplish them all in this first month? No. I had a good break over the holidays unplugging from work, and I’m also taking my time preparing for 2024.

As part of getting ready for 2024, I am still reviewing 2023. I don’t think I’ve shared these year-in-reviews before. I enjoy seeing others reflect on their businesses, maybe glean an insight or two for myself, and thought you might appreciate a glimpse into my business.

That said, I don’t expect you to emulate my business, or for my metrics to be any sort of benchmark for anyone but myself. I have completed eleven full years as a freelancer. I index full time, and I now exclusively index, as a couple of years ago I made the decision to stop proofreading. While I occasionally hire a subcontractor to assist with indexes, I’ve also realized that I don’t enjoy managing others, and so I only subcontract when schedules are particularly tight. I do the majority of the work myself. If you are also an indexer, aspects of my business probably look quite different from yours, and that’s perfectly alright. I believe that the publishing industry is large enough for all of us. 

2023 By the Numbers

  • 52 books indexed
  • 31 trade books vs. 21 scholarly books
  • Worked directly with 10 publishers (both trade and scholarly, accounting for 31 books) and was hired by 19 authors/co-author pairs (one author hired me for three books, all part of a series, for 21 books total from authors)
  • 38 books were from clients within Canada, 13 books from clients in the US, and 1 book from an author in Singapore

I am pleasantly surprised with the number of books I indexed this year, especially considering that I was so busy in the first few months of 2023 working on my own book. I am also surprised that I didn’t index more scholarly books, as it felt like I did. However, scholarly books usually take more time, so that may account for feeling like it was more.

The trade books, which I am broadly defining as for a general audience, ranged from a children’s book, a hiking guide, a health book, histories, business books, nature/science/environmental books, Indigenous histories, and Bible commentaries. Some of these books, in terms of their density and indexing challenges, could be considered trade-scholarly crossovers.

I find my mix of clients interesting as well. When I began freelancing, I primarily marketed to Canadian publishers, which is still reflected in the majority of my projects coming directly from Canadian publishers, some of whom I’ve been working with for most of my career. For the projects where I worked directly with the author, 10 books were published by the same three university presses. That indicates to me that those presses are regularly referring me to their authors, for which I am grateful. The other 11 books (nine authors, or about 20%) are either with other presses or self-published. 

Project Highlights

It is difficult to choose a favourite from the 52 books I indexed in 2023. So many fascinating subjects. Even for the books I am less personally engaged with, I make a point to find something interesting. On reflection, there are two that especially stand out and are personally meaningful.

One is In the House of My Pilgrimage: Violence, Noetic Healing, and Personhood, by Donald Sheehan, compiled and edited by Xenia Sheehan (Resource Publications, 2023). Don Sheehan is one of my favourite authors. He was a poet and an English professor, the director of The Frost Place, a theologian, and a translator of the Psalms. He had a gift for combining scholarly rigor and a poetic sensibility with deeply personal reflections and theological insights.  He also died in 2010, and his wife, Xenia, has since been editing and publishing his writings. I previously indexed an earlier volume of essays, The Shield of Psalmic Prayer, for which I won the 2021 Ewart-Daveluy Award, and it was an honour and joy to index this latest volume. It is a book I want to reread and savour. It was especially lovely, this time, to work directly with Xenia.

Truly Human: Indigeneity and Indigenous Resurgence in Formosa, by Scott Simon (University of Toronto Press, 2023), was also deeply meaningful. A work of anthropology, it examines the beliefs, lifeways, and political struggles of the Sediq and Truku people of Formosa, also known as Taiwan. I grew up in Taiwan and have two adopted brothers who are Indigenous Taiwanese. While my brothers are from different groups, and I recognize that the various Indigenous groups are unique in their beliefs and cultures, I still found this book to be a fascinating look at the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan more broadly, and the Sediq and Truku specifically. I wish I had access to information like this as a kid, and that my brothers had better access to their cultures and peoples. 

If you know of anyone else writing or publishing about the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan, hit me up! 

Book Published!

Another highlight in 2023 is, of course, finally publishing my book, Book Indexing: A Step-by-Step Guide. I’m so glad I persevered, even if publishing took longer than I expected.

I released the book on July 11. As of the first week of January, the book has sold 141 copies, of which 77 copies are paperback and 64 copies are ebooks.

Thank you to all of you who have bought a copy, written a review, or recommended the book to someone. I am so pleased that the book is finding its readers. I think the book is doing fantastic for a self-published volume on such a niche subject. 

Public Speaking

On a more personal note, I’ve noticed that I am becoming more confident speaking in public, which is huge for me.

If we’ve met or if you’ve heard me speak, you probably know that I am both very soft spoken and that I speak with a slight stutter. I especially stumble over words that begin with vowels, like the word index, and I can have trouble enunciating the initial sounds if I have been silent for a period of time. It is like I need to manually flip a switch to reconnect my brain to my vocal cords.

I also stutter more when I am nervous, and there is nothing more nerve-wracking than public speaking when you have a speech impediment. But I’ve learned that it makes a big difference to acknowledge upfront that I stutter. Acknowledging that helps to remove the embarrassment, which helps me to relax. Relaxing, in turn, helps me to speak more clearly. 

In 2023, I both presented and led a workshop at the Indexing Society of Canada’s annual conference. I was also interviewed for two podcasts (one still to be released). Though that doesn’t sound like a lot, it was a lot for me, and I felt much more comfortable this year than in past years. I still don’t think that I am a particularly good speaker, but feeling more comfortable and confident is a significant personal accomplishment. 

Thank You

Lastly, a huge thank you for joining me in 2023. Having you to write for, and receiving your encouragement and support, makes the effort to write this blog worthwhile. If you’d like to receive these reflections directly in your email, you can sign up for my newsletter below.

For 2024, I plan to get back to a more regular schedule, sending this blog biweekly, every other Tuesday. I will continue to focus on indexing and freelancing. If you have a question or topic you’d like me to address, please let me know. I’m happy to consider it.

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Marketing and Building a Client Base, My Two Golden Rules

Marketing is tough. It may be the most fear-inducing part of being a freelancer. Especially if you are an introvert, like most indexers are. How do you find publishers and authors with books that need indexing? How do authors and publishers find you?

Publishing is a vast, global industry.

Where do you start?

It can feel overwhelming and paralyzing.

I also want to acknowledge that you may not have previously worked in publishing, so the inner workings of the publishing world may be even more opaque.

So, let’s start with demystifying publishing. Once you understand the industry a little better, the way forward with marketing may be clearer.

I’m going to share with you my top two rules, or insights, which have made the biggest difference for me when marketing and building my client base, and end with some additional tips.

Rule #1: You Don’t Need to Serve Everyone

It is impossible for you to serve everyone.

According to these statistics published last year by Wordsrated, approximately 3.52 million nonfiction books are published annually, worldwide. The proportion of English-language titles will be smaller, but still at least in the hundreds of thousands. How many of those books do you think you can index?

Personally, I index about 65 books per year. Your mileage may vary. I also turn down maybe another 20-30 books, mainly because I don’t have room in my schedule.

Another angle to consider is that the publishing industry is not monolithic. Yes, there are the Big Five trade publishers in New York and a few massive companies that dominate scholarly publishing. But many smaller companies also exist which publish excellent books. Publishing is also broken up by subject matter, with almost all presses and imprints focusing on different areas.

From a marketing standpoint, I found this realization to be incredibly freeing. Instead of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of publishers I could potentially contact, there are instead whole swaths of the industry that I can safely ignore. Don’t index science and engineering books? Great! I can cross all those publishers off of my list. Can’t find contact information for the editors at Penguin Random House? I’ll cross them off my list too. That still leaves many possibilities.

As you think about marketing, think about who you want to work with (or what kind of books you want to index) and also who you do not want to work with (or what kind of books you want to avoid). It can be scary to declare a niche, for fear of missing out on work. But having a few markets or topics that you focus on can have at least three benefits. One, it makes marketing less overwhelming because you now have a more manageable number of potential clients to contact. Two, it helps to clearly define who you are in the eyes of potential clients. Clients want to know that you are a good fit for their book, and one way to build that confidence is to give clients something specific about your experience and expertise. And three, it is nice to avoid having to repeatedly say no to projects which are clearly not a good fit. Be clear up front, and the people who do contact you are more likely to be of interest.

Rule #2: Build a Diverse Client Base

My second rule may seem to contradict my first rule. After telling you that you can ignore whole sectors of publishing, now I want you to go wide?

It is going wide enough to provide steady work. I don’t want you to be reliant on one or two clients for all of your work. I have worked with publishers who have been shut down or downsized. I have also lost work when editors I worked with left the company and my name wasn’t passed on to their successors (or maybe their successors already had their own preferred indexers). As wonderful as that first steady client may be, keep looking.

However, there is probably also a limit to how many clients you can reasonably handle. For myself, most of my work comes from the same dozen or so publishers, either being hired directly or from referrals from the in-house editors. Some publishers only send me one or two books per year. Others send me four or five, or even upwards of ten. All together, it adds up to a full schedule. If I lose a client, I find there are usually enough offers from other clients to compensate. New publishers also occasionally find me – or I find them – and get added to this mix.

Even if I worked for a truly large publisher who was willing and able to fill my schedule, I’d feel more secure with a diverse client base. Keeping my first rule in mind, I don’t need or want to work with everyone. I don’t even work with all of the publishers within my niches. But I still want that happy medium of work coming in from multiple sources.

Additional Marketing Tips

Building upon these two rules, here are some additional tips for marketing and finding indexing work.

  • Look beyond New York and the Big Five. I’m sure someone indexes for the likes of HarperCollins and Macmillan, but those publishers can also be hard to reach. There are many smaller publishers outside of New York, which in my experience, can be easier to contact. Some editors also prefer to hire local. So, see if there are any publishers nearby, whether that means within your town or city, state or province, or region. Market yourself as a local indexer. If feasible, ask if you can stop by the publisher’s office to meet the managing editor. Attend local publishing or editing events to meet editors.
  • Don’t be afraid to contact smaller publishers. Even if they only send you one or two projects a year, projects from several such clients can add up.
  • Keep an eye out for new publishers. They may not yet have their stable of freelancers and may welcome you getting in touch.
  • Identify the gatekeepers. Indexing is a niche task, and even within a publishing company, it is usually only one or two people (or more, depending on the size of the press) who actually hire or refer indexers. Those are the people that you want to contact. They usually have job titles like managing or production editors, though in some cases, acquisition editors may also refer indexers to authors.
  • Identify and work your network. If you formerly worked in academia, tell all of those professors that you know, who are potential authors, that you are now an indexer. If you know someone in publishing, let them know as well. Attend local author, editing, and publishing events, and introduce yourself to people (which is scary, I know. But I’ve done it, and it can be a good way to meet people). Even if you feel disconnected from the publishing industry, tell everyone you know about your new career. Something will turn up.
  • Be specific. As I mentioned earlier, clients want to know that you are a good fit. Be specific when discussing your interests and experience. It is okay to mention books that you have indexed for practice.  Or, if you have been hired by one publisher, mention that when contacting a new publisher. Show why you are a good fit.
  • Be persistent and patient. Marketing is both a numbers game and a waiting game. Out of ten queries, you might get two or three responses. Or an editor might wait an entire year to get back to you (as happened once to me). Keep putting your name out there.

Most of this reflection has been aimed at marketing to publishers. That has been my primary marketing focus and it has worked for me. I kind of prefer working with publishers because, now that I have a good relationship with several, I don’t need to actively market anymore.

When I first started indexing, marketing directly to authors also felt completely overwhelming and unfathomable, and so I didn’t. However, I know some indexers, especially those with an academic background, who are able to successfully market to academic authors. Some indexers are also very good at asking for testimonials and referrals. So, it is also possible to market to authors and to primarily work with authors. As I discussed above, identify who you want to work with, what kind of books you want to index, and who you can access, and go from there.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge that marketing can be a slow process. It can take several months to find that first project. There may then be another gap until that second project, and then another year or two until your schedule is consistently full. That was my experience and the experience of many indexers I know. But it is absolutely possible to make those connections with authors and publishers and to find enough work to fill your schedule. Keep putting yourself out there. I believe that you can do it.

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Index Profile: Placing (Hiding?) Sensitive Entries

Where do you put potentially embarrassing or upsetting information in an index? The information is true. It is discussed. It qualifies as indexable. But where and how should it appear?

I faced this question when I received feedback last year from Adele Weder, the author of the biography Ron Thom, Architect: The Life of a Creative Modernist (Greystone Books, 2022), about the Canadian modernist architect, Ron Thom. My original array for Thom, for which I used the em-dash-modified format (which I like to use for biographies), looked like this (for space and the sake of this example, I am only including the first three subheadings for each section):

Thom, Ron (Ronald James): Adelaide Street apartment, 255–56; alcoholism, 34, 212–13, 214, 239–40, 255, 257, 259–60, 272–73, 275; art and, 17, 288n20;…

—ARCHITECTURE CAREER: apprenticeship, 46–47; on architects, 208–9; on art and architecture, 38, 133, 200, 211–12, 243–44;…

—ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS: Atria North, 246–47; Banff Centre’s Thom Studio, 254, 254; B.C. Electric Building, 87–88, 90–92;…

—ARTWORK: At the Fair Grounds37, 38; Seated Figure, 41–42, 42, 290n2

—FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIPS: children, 54, 57, 101, 102, 172, 234, 237–38; courting Chris, 26; divorce from Chris, 113–14, 295n6;…

Do you see the problem?

Alcoholism is the second subheading. While acknowledging that alcoholism was a significant problem in Thom’s life, the author was concerned that having the subheading so early in the array overshadowed Thom’s architectural accomplishments.

Which I think is a fair point.

When I use the em-dash-modified format, I usually treat the first section as a catch-all for the subheadings that don’t fit anywhere else. These are often subheadings for childhood, death, miscellaneous jobs, hobbies, personal quirks, and, in this case, alcoholism. I think I did notice that alcoholism fell at the front, which struck me as unfortunate while also part of the vagaries of the alphabetical sort. So, I didn’t put too much more thought into it. 

The author was not so quick to let the index—and me—off the hook. I am glad she pushed back. After some back-and-forth discussion, I revised the array:

Thom, Ron (Ronald James)

—ARCHITECTURE CAREER: apprenticeship, 46–47; on architects, 208–9; on art and architecture, 38, 133, 200, 211–12, 243–44;…

—ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS: Atria North, 246–47; Banff Centre’s Thom Studio, 254, 254; B.C. Electric Building, 87–88, 90–92;…

—ARTWORK: At the Fair Grounds37, 38; Seated Figure, 41–42, 42, 290n2

—FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIPS: children, 54, 57, 101, 102, 172, 234, 237–38; courting Chris, 26; divorce from Chris, 113–14, 295n6;…

—PERSONAL LIFE AND VIEWS: Adelaide Street apartment, 255–56; alcoholism, 34, 212–13, 214, 239–40, 255, 257, 259–60, 272–73, 275; art and, 17, 288n20;…

That catch-all section is now labelled “personal life and views,” which sorts it to the very end of the array. The alcoholism subheading is still present, but it is no longer the first thing that readers see. Instead, Thom’s architecture career and projects play the starring role.

I took away three lessons from this experience.

One, it is a good reminder that alphabetical sorting isn’t everything and it is possible to manipulate where entries appear. The goal should be to make entries visible, of course, rather than burying entries. But depending on the material and the needs of the audience, it is possible to move entries around and to highlight or deflect attention as needed.

Two, sensitive information should be handled sensitively. I am not a fan of using the index to ignore or whitewash uncomfortable or difficult information. If there is a significant discussion in the text, then it should also be in the index. But I am open to considering how and where it appears in the index. In Thom’s case, what is the focus of the book? What are the elements of his life which should be celebrated? What are readers looking for, and what should readers be presented with first? The array can be structured accordingly. 

The last lesson is that feedback from authors can be invaluable. I don’t always agree with the feedback, and I may explain my approach if I think the index is misunderstood. But there are also times when I have made a mistake, or I didn’t consider other options, or fully think through the implications. I want to be someone who takes feedback seriously. Even if I disagree with the author’s solution, there may still be something there that I need to reconsider. For this Thom array, I am thankful that Adele Weder, the author, explained her concern and pushed me to look further for a better solution. I think the array and the index are better for it.

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Dealing with Authors and Their Lists of Terms

I recently received the longest list of terms from an author that I have ever received. The list was so long that I immediately contacted the publisher and explained that even with the extra space I had already asked for and received for the index, there was no way that I could include everything that the author suggested. Thankfully the publisher agreed with me and the author later accepted my index, but the list that I was presented with still required a response.

Setting Expectations

The first step, for me, after thanking the author for the list, is to set the expectation upfront that my work will not be bound by that list. I will read the list and use it for reference, but I will not duplicate the list and I will use, or not use, the suggested terms at my discretion. While I welcome the author as the subject expert, I want to emphasize that I am the index expert.

Finding Value in the Lists

The amount of value depends from list to list. I sometimes get the sense that the author believes that I will simply fill in the page numbers for them, using keyword search, which is a common misconception of how indexes are written. That said, I find that these lists can often tell me what the author thinks is important, which I will try to fit into the index. These lists can also highlight aspects of the book that I might not recognize as important—since I am not always the subject expert. So while I rarely follow the lists term by term, they can influence how I work. 

Responding to the Author

If the author has taken the time to put together a list, I assume they have expectations for how the index will look. Since I do not promise to faithfully follow their list, I will often submit a note with the index explaining how I used their list and how I wrote the index, with the goal of forestalling objections. This could include explaining why some terms were perhaps unsuitable or how I used some terms as subheadings instead of main headings, for example. For the index I mention above, I explained that the list was too long and detailed for the space available, and then explained what I did do instead to make the book’s content searchable. Since the author did not request any changes, I assume my explanation was accepted.

What is Actually Helpful

If I am being honest, I don’t really want these lists from authors. It does take time to respond to, and I assume that it also takes up the author’s time, especially for the lists that are long and detailed. It seems like a lot of work for something of limited value. But what can be actually helpful is a short list focused on the top ten or twenty terms that the author thinks is important. The author could even write a short paragraph, in a couple of sentences, explaining what the book is about. Help me see the book from the author’s perspective. That will help me understand the core focus of the index, and then I can figure out the rest.

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How to Set Prices that Sell and Earn Profit

When I first began to freelance, I did not know how to set a price for my work. Instead of being proactive, I accepted what my first few clients offered me, as what they offered seemed fair, I had no prices for comparison, and I was simply thrilled to receive a paycheque. Over time, I realized that different clients were willing to pay different amounts and that other indexers charged differently—some more, some less—than I did. Clearly other people had their own opinions for what was possible and appropriate.

More recently, I have noticed pricing come up a number of times on some of the indexing email lists. One common theme is uncertainty over what prices to set—a position that all freelancers have probably been in at some point. Among more experienced indexers, there seems to be some anxiety about prices falling, as book production by some publishers is outsourced to third-party companies, often overseas. There is also a sense that we, as freelancers, have little control over prices, as in if we do not accept the prices offered, the client will walk. 

I disagree with this sense that we as freelancers lack agency and control over pricing. I agree that we cannot compel clients to pay a certain amount and that clients do have the right to walk, if they wish. However, to say that we have little control is to cede too much control to customers. I believe that we do have a measure of control and agency, and that this issue of price has two dimensions. The first is the actual prices that we set for our services and products. The second is the customers that we engage with, the ones who are paying us for our work. 

Know Your Customers

To address the second dimension first, obviously it is a problem if our customers are not paying the price that we want or need in order to make a living. What seems to be forgotten or not mentioned is that clients vary greatly from one to another, including what they are willing and able to pay. What a small trade press is willing to pay for an index may well be different from what a large trade press is willing to pay, which may be different from a university press, which may be different from a book packager, which may be different from an author paying out of pocket, which may be different from an author paying with a university grant, which may be different from a client in New York, which may be different from a client in rural Arkansas, which may be different from a client in Tokyo, which may be different from a client who is a single parent, which may be different from a client who is a pensioner, which may be different from a client who is the CEO of a business. 

So one consideration, if current clients are not meeting your financial needs, is to change clients. This can be difficult, but I believe that it is possible. Indeed, I believe that one of the advantage we have as small businesses is the ability to pick and choose who we work with, as we simply do not have the time and resources to work with everyone. If you find that prices are low in one segment of the publishing market, then find other segments that pay better. The publishing industry is not static or uniform, nor do you have to serve all segments.

Value-based Pricing

The other part of pricing, as mentioned, is the prices themselves. I do not have a background in business or pricing either, so I decided to do some reading and have so far found and read the book The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow, by Rafi Mohammed (HarperCollins, 2010). I don’t claim to be an expert, but I did learn a few things which I think are applicable to our work as freelancers. 

First, let’s look at a traditional approach to pricing, which is what I recall being told when I asked around for advice when I first started freelancing. This approach is to figure out living and business expenses, and then charge enough to cover expenses plus a little extra. As Mohammed writes, a lot of large companies approach pricing this way too. The downside is that this approach can miss out on a lot of potential profit. For example, I may need to charge $40 per hour to cover expenses, but what if my client is actually willing to pay $60 per hour? This approach also implies that competitive advantage is primarily a matter of who has the lowest price, which means that whoever has the lowest cost of living or business—who can therefore afford to charge the least—wins. But again, this can lead to the person with the lowest price missing out on profits as not all clients are motivated by the lowest price. What this approach fails to consider is what it is the customer actually values.

Mohammed calls this focus on the customer value-based pricing. While earning enough to cover expenses is certainly important, I suspect that most clients don’t actually care all that much about our expenses. So in value-based pricing, the goal is to understand what the customer finds important in our service or product, and then to position our service or product to meet those values, with a price to match. The question about price switches from, how much do I need to make, to, how much is the customer willing to pay?

In addition to value-based pricing, Mohammed also discusses fifty different pricing strategies. I was also surprised at the variety. They are not all applicable for every business, and Mohammed’s suggestion is to find the handful or more that work for you. These strategies are divided into three broad categories—pick-a-plan, versioning, and differential pricing. These all have different goals, ranging from attracting new customers to setting premium prices, but collectively their purpose is to appeal to a wide variety of customers, who will each value your service or product in different ways. The idea is that by employing multiple strategies, you will appeal to different segments of the market, both higher and lower, resulting in a broader client base and likely more profit. 

As I was reading, some of the strategies stood out to me as possibly applicable for indexing. Some of them, I realized, I already use, though probably not as well or intentionally as I could be. (You may recognize some of them too.) So below are some ideas and comments on a few of the different methods. I make no guarantees as to their effectiveness, nor have I personally tried them all. This is just me brainstorming in public. Feel free to try some of these yourself and let me know how it goes. 

  • Bundle indexing with other services, if you offer them. I sometimes do this with proofreading. It saves the client from having to find and coordinate with another freelancer, I get more income from the project, and the indexing is usually a bit easier because I have already read the book while proofreading. Because of the time saved, I may even give a small discount.
  • Offer a flat fee. I remember Enid Zafran talking about this at the ISC/SCI conference this summer. A flat fee offers peace of mind to the client because it removes the uncertainty and trouble of having to calculate page rates or waiting for the proofs to be ready. Instead, do that work for the client and give them a single number.
  • Offer to negotiate with the client to find a price that is mutually acceptable. I sometimes do this as well, and I really appreciate it when clients are willing to tell me what their budget is or if my initial quote is too high because that allows me to reconsider my offer. Maybe the project is still worth my while if I charge $100 less, for example.
  • Offer different versions at different price points. I think the trick with this is being able to clearly articulate, and then deliver on, what the different versions of the index will look like, and how each version still contains value. A price-conscious client will be still be happy with the cheaper and lower quality index, while the client who values quality or who has deeper pockets may be willing to pay the premium price. 
  • Offer priority indexing for a higher fee, or, conversely, a discount for being willing to wait. I think that rush fees are similar to this, which some indexers already charge. But not all clients are in a hurry, so some might be attracted by a discount where you fit their index in around other, more urgent, projects.
  • Offer a financing plan, perhaps by splitting payment into two or more chunks. This might work for the client who wants the index but who does not have enough cash on hand. 
  • Offer differential pricing based on client type or characteristics. This could work for either corporations or individual authors. Maybe clients who live in a big, expensive city, will be willing to pay more, while a senior citizen may appreciate a discount to afford an index on their pension. The variations can be endless, but if you can gain some insight into your potential client by looking for identifiable characteristics, you might be able to gauge how much they will be willing to pay.
  • Offer periodic discounts or promotions, which could include the client paying an amount upfront to lock in the price for a future project. This may work best if you have a large enough client base to do a mass email or marketing blitz. 
  • Guarantee prices for a fixed period of time. This could work with regular clients, and would eliminate the need to negotiate each time a project comes along, saving you both time. 
  • Incorporate a success fee. This would involve charging an initial base price plus a bonus if the index meets a set standard. The hard part would be establishing the standard and evaluation method, but this might work for clients who are unsure if they want to take a risk on you. 

By this point you may be thinking, “Those are interesting (or terrible) ideas, but I just don’t need that many pricing strategies. How am I supposed to keep track of them all?” I agree that what I have listed here is probably more than is necessary for a single business. I do not plan on using all of them either. The point, though, is that we can be creative with how we price, and that different clients will respond to different strategies. A one-size-fits-all pricing strategy is a strategy for missed opportunities.

Setting Your Prices

To bring all of these ideas together, I want to suggest five steps for setting prices, which is a process I will be doing myself. 

  1. Write a value statement. This is an exercise that Mohammed suggests in which you describe, in concrete detail, the value that your service or product provides. It is easy for conversations about price to be awkward, and I know I can feel embarrassed about making a profit, even though I obviously need an income to live on. But Mohammed suggests that a lot of this awkwardness can disappear if we can understand and articulate the value that we are offering. This knowledge can also make us more effective negotiators and defenders of our prices, because we understand the basis on which they are set. 
  2. Analyze your clients. What do they value? Why are they coming to you, or more importantly, coming back to you? Why are they turning you down for alternatives? What are their next-best alternatives, and what value do you offer in comparison? You can also analyze potential clients that you might want to attract or reach out to. 
  3. Analyze your prices. Based on what you know of your clients and of the value you provide, are your prices accurate? Should prices be higher? Lower? It is important to note that lower prices are not necessarily bad, as they can attract a different segment of the market, which could fill in gaps between higher priced projects or broaden your client base. You just need to make sure that those lower priced projects are still profitable and are not preventing you from accepting higher priced projects.
  4. Develop a pricing strategy. As discussed, pricing can be as dynamic and varied as clients. Think through the clients you have or want, think about what pricing strategies may be attractive for them, select a handful, and see what works. 
  5. Periodically review your prices and methods. Clients, the publishing industry, and the economy all change over time. To keep pace and stay profitable, you may at times need to change your prices and your clients. This is true for all businesses. So be willing to assess and reflect, and make changes as needed.

When it comes to price and who you work with, you do have a measure of control. It may take some work finding the right clients and determining the right prices, but it is possible to be a profitable indexer and freelancer.

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Why Hire an Indexer?

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

A couple of months ago I wrote a free email course on indexing. It provides an overview for how to write an index, from start to finish, as well as pointers for what makes an excellent index. 

When I first announced this project, I got a few puzzled reactions. One friend commented, “That is either a great idea or you are completely undercutting yourself.” I understand what he is getting at. My work as a professional indexer depends on authors and publishers hiring me. Why give people the tools they need to avoid hiring me or another professional indexer?

This also raises the question of why pay? While I recognize that there will be a subset of authors and publishers who will not want to hire an indexer no matter what (these are some of the people I hope to reach with my course), I also believe that there are at least three good reasons for hiring a professional. These are not specific to indexing, as I also consider these factors if I need to hire an accountant, mechanic, or plumber, for example. But I think these are still worth being reminded of all the same. 


The reason I most hear from other indexers and indexing societies is that the professional has the expertise. Most indexers have received specialized training, usually through a course, and have years of experience. This is certainly an important reason. I have been indexing books since 2011, for example, and have written over two hundred indexes. I believe that someone indexing for the first time can certainly learn, but they will not have this body of experience. Unless one plans on indexing several books, it might just be easier to hire someone than to struggle through the learning curve.


Another reason for hiring a professional, which I also think is important, is that of interest. There are many tasks that I could do, but I am just not that interested in them. Doing my own car repairs would fall in this category. Lack of interest can make a task seem tedious, and will probably make procrastination much more likely. If indexing feels like a chore, maybe delegate it instead and spend your time more productively on something else. 


This leads us to what I think is the most compelling reason for hiring a professional, which is to buy time. I spend about twenty hours, on average, writing an index (length and complexity of the book are the main variables). If you hire me, you are not just buying my time, but you are also buying yourself time to do something else. Ideally, you will spend that time doing what you are an expert in, which will maximize the value that you present to the world. 

What Does Hiring an Indexer Enable?

Ultimately, the question is, what does hiring an indexer, or any other professional, enable? Yes, hiring an indexer can be expensive. You may have fears that the job will be poorly done. You may feel like you don’t have time to find an indexer. But if you did hire an indexer, what could you be doing instead? Answer this question, decide which of the two—writing the index yourself or doing that other thing—adds more value to your work, and you might have your answer for whether or not to hire a professional.

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Mindful Communication with Clients

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

I do not check email in the morning.

Depending on the day, I either first check around 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm and respond to what I can within half an hour, though I often don’t need that much time. I then check again around 5 or 5:30 pm, though I have to admit that as the afternoon wears on, it can get harder and harder not to check in the interim. Especially if I am expecting a reply from someone. 

This is a new practice I have been cultivating over the last couple of months. The purpose is to spend the hours reserved for work actually focused on my work, instead of being distracted by emails that may or may not (mostly not, in my experience) need an immediate reply. So far this has been a positive experience. If clients have noticed, they have yet to comment or complain. The biggest change has been in myself.

I had previously noticed, when I would check email first thing in the morning and then continue to check every hour or couple of hours, that my motivation for checking email was often a mixture of boredom and anxiety. I would feel bored with my task and the prospect of a shiny new email was enticing. I would feel anxious about my task or about something coming up in the future and checking email was a way to avoid the anxiety. More often than not, my inbox would be empty or only contain junk mail or other messages that could be easily left for later, and so I would have to return to my task, only this time with my attention fractured. It would then take additional time to get back into the task, which meant I would often accomplish less in the day than I wanted, which often led to more anxiety. The more I checked, the more fractured my attention seemed to get and the harder it would be to return to my work. While email is still my preferred form of communication (my phone is usually on vibrate and out of sight in my bag), I came to realize that the way I was using email was not actually helping me, either with my work or with my mental health.

Nowadays, I can still get bored or anxious with a specific task. I am still tempted to check email as a temporary balm. These are separate issues not directly tied to email. I also find that I am often much happier in the mornings because I have the time to myself and I can focus without fear of being interrupted. Afternoons can be more difficult, in part from simply getting tired as the day wears on, but if I can stick to my email schedule and temporarily forget again that email exists, the afternoon can also be quite focused and productive. While I still need to find ways to manage anxiety and boredom, at least I am not escalating those issues through mindless email checking. 

But what about responding to clients in a timely manner? What about missing out on possibly work opportunities? In talking to other freelancers, this seems a common concern. I have heard some say that they try to reply to emails within five minutes of receipt. If that was me, I do not think I would get any work done, as for me focus seems to be all or nothing. And so I want to push back a bit on this expectation of instant communication.

Most of my work comes from repeat clients and I have found that they are usually willing to wait a few hours for a response. I still try to reply within the same day. I do get some queries from new clients, some of whom I know are contacting multiple freelancers at once. I probably have lost some work from these people due to a slower response, and I am okay with that. These account for a small percentage of my work, and for me the improved focus, productivity, and sense of well being outweighs the lost projects.

I have also realized that I don’t actually get very many emails in a day that require an immediate, or any, response. Most emails I receive are newsletters, notifications, or from listservs, all of which may have some value but are hardly critical. I am not adding value to my day by frequently checking these types of emails. 

It has also been important for me to realize that my work is valuable and deserves to be protected. This is both for my own sake, so that I can complete projects on time with less stress, and also for my clients, because I think that my work is better if I am less distracted. This is understanding that communication is a tool in service of the work rather than the work itself. 

I realize, of course, that my email schedule will not work for everyone. New freelancers, especially, who are trying to book every project they can, may want to check more frequently. But even with more frequent checking, I think it is possible to be more mindful about how we communicate and how communication impacts and intersects with the rest of our work. Perhaps less and higher quality communication will actually help us serve our clients better, as well as keep ourselves more focused and engaged in what we do. 

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The Value of a Diverse Client Base

One of the most daunting questions to face a new indexer is, where does the work come from? How do I land my first client? That experienced indexer over there has lots of work and it looks like they don’t even market. How does that happen?

I will write about marketing next week (I promise). Suffice to say for now that it is possible to get to a point where marketing can take a back seat, though I think one should always keep an eye out for new opportunities. The publishing scene is too dynamic to become complacent. 

Instead, today I want to write about the value of building a diverse client base. Marketing will certainly help you gain clients, but I believe that long-term sustainability as a freelancer comes from gaining and retaining at least a handful of regular clients. You don’t want to have only one or two clients, no matter how much work they provide, nor do you want to have a revolving door of clients who never contact you again. 

Why is this so? I have observed three reasons, from my own experience and from talking to other freelancers.

  1. Your mix of clients will change over time. Even if you are the world’s best indexer, your clients will change over time. Having one or two clients that provide all the work you need may be awesome in the short term, and it will also be disastrous should that client suddenly disappear. Changes in your client base is not a reflection of you. Instead, it is the reality of a changing publishing scene. In the last few years, I’ve had my very first client shut down and absorbed by a larger press. Another university press, which for a while was providing me with a fair chunk of my work, was downsized by its university as a cost-saving measure. An editor at a third press, who also provided me with a lot of work over a couple of years, decided to herself freelance. I still get the occasional project from the new editor, but nowhere near the volume of work I used to get. If any one of these had been my only or primary client, my schedule and income would have taken a major hit. As it was, though I was sad to lose those books and contacts, work from other clients filled in the gaps. I currently have about a dozen clients who regularly or occasionally send me work, and somehow it all balances out. 
  2. Because many potential clients are small. I live and work in Canada, and as author Eve Silver once told me, in a workshop, there are no big publishers in Canada. Not like there are big publishers in New York or London. I used to worry about this, thinking that I needed to find an in with the big name publishers so that I would have a guaranteed stream of work, or so that I could index New York Times bestsellers. I don’t worry about that anymore. Someone has to index those books, and if that person is you, congratulations! But still, as mentioned above, I would caution about relying too much on a single big publisher for work. I also want to suggest that if you are in a market full of small to mid-sized publishers, it is still possible to build a business. Most of my clients only send me a handful of books per year, because that is all they produce, but several handfuls add up quickly. If this is the kind of market you find yourself in, work with it. 
  3. So you don’t have to work on the same thing all the time. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy variety in my work. If my brain is getting tired wrestling with a scholarly text, a light trade book can be refreshing. If I am getting tired of economics, indexing a book about nature is a nice change of pace. This reason is more about personal enjoyment than the realities of publishing, but still, you will probably be more successful if you are enjoying your work. You may not always get work from the clients you want, but you should certainly pursue work that you will enjoy.

What I have written here assumes that your clients will mostly be publishers, book packagers, or other organizations. These are clients who can send you regular, repeat work. An alternative approach is to work primarily with individual authors, who can recommend you to their friends and colleagues, which is another way to build your client base and get additional work. A downside with authors is that they often have long gaps between projects, so you will probably have to wait at least a year before an author hires you again. This is why I have chosen to focus on developing relationships with publishers, who can either hire me directly or recommend me to their authors. But both approaches are possible and can lead to full-time work.

You may be wondering at this point, how am I going to get five or ten clients if I don’t even have one? Having to market is daunting enough. Now I have to up my goal for the number of clients I need? Well, yes and no. Keep working on finding that first client. Don’t worry about finding others for now. And when you get hired for that first job, celebrate and then get to work. Just keep it in the back of your mind that long-term one client will not be enough. You will want to find more. In my first few years as a freelancer, it was my goal to add each year at least one new regular client. Often I would end up with two or three new clients, and some years, as I mentioned, I would also lose a client or two. Building a diverse client base takes time. It is also well worth the investment.

The Freelance Career Launch Series is a set of posts about how to start your freelance career. The focus will be on indexing, because that is what I do, but the principles are universal.